OK... First of all... Happy Mothers Day (yes 3 days late... I apologize) to all you wonderful mothers out there! I can't even begin to describe how grateful and lucky I feel to have grown up with such a wonderful mother- one who encouraged me and helped me realize what sacrifice and unconditional love really mean :). I can only hope that I can be half the mother she was to me. I am also very grateful that she and my other immediate family (I am the second oldest of 6- 2 girls and 4 boys- ranging in age from 37 to 21... and there are 13 grandchildren ranging from 14 to 2.) :) all live within a 20 mile radius. Now I know how incredibly lucky I am because I know that there are many of my husband's family, and my extended family that live far away. So I am a very very lucky girl :)

week we also have been making cupcake bouquets for the Davis Education
Association Teacher Appreciation raffle. I feel very honored to be able
to give of some of my talents to say thank you to any teachers, and definitely brought to mind those who have
taught me and my children. Teaching is a talent that many possess,
however, the truly great ones are priceless- and I feel so
very blessed for the ones that have touched my life. Mrs. Lee... my 3rd
grade teacher in California, where I grew up, is one of the ones I will
never forget. We are even friends on Facebook... 27 years after she
taught me... now how cool is that???! (ouch... that just made me feel super old just then... geez...) She taught me so much - I still
remember sitting in her room learning that a tomato was a fruit... such a
shocker back in the day let me tell ya. That is just the tip of the iceberg... and honestly, I am not sure why I remember that little tidbit of information... Did it make me like tomatoes
any more? Nope ;) She also is the one who encouraged my writing- even at
that young age- she entered a story that I wrote about a family of
bunnies into a District contest- I still have the 2nd place ribbon and the story
of course now it is all faded and worn, but oh what a memory. She has
touched the lives of so many, inspiring so many of her students to themselves become teachers, and that is what a truly great teacher is.
are a few others... Nolan Ryan, Judy Freidig, and Rich Rogers... not
that I have seen them or heard from them in over 20 years, but honestly,
they changed the way I looked at, and still see education today. So to
all of them, and to all of you amazing teachers out there... THANK YOU
for all you do!!!
So just a little bit of what we were up to today :)
And here are the bouquets that I made for the Davis Education Association... of course, I don't know who they went to, but I really hope they enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed making them- it was a lot of fun!!! I found the cutest bright pink and green vinyl baskets at Dollar Tree- and of course the cute little windmill picks- and this is how they turned out! I really liked the result!
I also want to thank a dear friend Jessica for this opportunity to get my products more out there :) We met when we first moved out here almost 18 years ago- (ok... maybe a little less than that... I met her when she came home from her mission ... :)) and she and her sisters and family are some of the most awesome people in the world! She is also a 3rd grade teacher- so she deserves some applause as well!!! I am also so lucky to have amazing friends :) Luv you all!!!
Hopefully this will mean good things!!!
So if you have a friend or family member who is in need of some cheering- or a thank you- or just a hello gift... let me know! These cupcake bouquets are such an adorable, and unique way to show someone how much you care!!! And they are fully customizable- flavors, sizes, containers, designs... the possibilities are limited only by your imagination :) I will be doing more designs to demonstrate as the week goes on... I have to use up all these cupcakes! :)
Sweet Dreamz everyone!!!!
Renee :D
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