I did it... it only took me 4 hours, but I did it :) I woke up this morning at about 2:30 to take an allergy pill (geez today has been the worst!) and couldn't get back to sleep. So what did I do? I created a new website :) Well, it's not all I want it to be, but it's better than my old one was! So click HERE to check it out! I hope you enjoy!!! And please feel free to let me know what you think!!! What I can change... what you like... I love suggestions that help me improve!! It's off to bed for me now at least for a few hours :) so quite literally... Sweet Dreamz y'all!
Renee :D
Friday, May 18, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
OHHHH NOOOOO!!!! NEW Contact info!!! PLEASE READ!!!
Especially just after I put out a bunch of business cards... I just found out that my website is no longer managed through Microsoft... and I will have to pay almost 200 dollars (as opposed to the 15 I have been paying) per year to keep it!!! So if you have tried to get on my website, www.sweetdreamztreats.net and can't-I do so apologize!! (I can see it, but I can't change it at all... but I know that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone can see it ...and all this not even 4 months after paying a renewal fee... dang it....) I CAN see emails so far on my rdalton@sweetdreamztreats.net, but I don't know how long that will last. Please feel free to contact me on sweetdreamztreats@hotmail.com for the time being, if I don't contact you within 1 business day.... I will let you know as soon as I have things figured out!!! Or even better yet click HERE for my Facebook business profile :) I will be starting on a new website tonight!!!! So keep a weather eye on the horizon my dearies :)
Thank you so much!!! And I am soooo very sorry for any inconvenience!!!
Thank you so much!!! And I am soooo very sorry for any inconvenience!!!
Happy (Belated) Mothers Day :)
OK... First of all... Happy Mothers Day (yes 3 days late... I apologize) to all you wonderful mothers out there! I can't even begin to describe how grateful and lucky I feel to have grown up with such a wonderful mother- one who encouraged me and helped me realize what sacrifice and unconditional love really mean :). I can only hope that I can be half the mother she was to me. I am also very grateful that she and my other immediate family (I am the second oldest of 6- 2 girls and 4 boys- ranging in age from 37 to 21... and there are 13 grandchildren ranging from 14 to 2.) :) all live within a 20 mile radius. Now I know how incredibly lucky I am because I know that there are many of my husband's family, and my extended family that live far away. So I am a very very lucky girl :)

week we also have been making cupcake bouquets for the Davis Education
Association Teacher Appreciation raffle. I feel very honored to be able
to give of some of my talents to say thank you to any teachers, and definitely brought to mind those who have
taught me and my children. Teaching is a talent that many possess,
however, the truly great ones are priceless- and I feel so
very blessed for the ones that have touched my life. Mrs. Lee... my 3rd
grade teacher in California, where I grew up, is one of the ones I will
never forget. We are even friends on Facebook... 27 years after she
taught me... now how cool is that???! (ouch... that just made me feel super old just then... geez...) She taught me so much - I still
remember sitting in her room learning that a tomato was a fruit... such a
shocker back in the day let me tell ya. That is just the tip of the iceberg... and honestly, I am not sure why I remember that little tidbit of information... Did it make me like tomatoes
any more? Nope ;) She also is the one who encouraged my writing- even at
that young age- she entered a story that I wrote about a family of
bunnies into a District contest- I still have the 2nd place ribbon and the story
of course now it is all faded and worn, but oh what a memory. She has
touched the lives of so many, inspiring so many of her students to themselves become teachers, and that is what a truly great teacher is.
are a few others... Nolan Ryan, Judy Freidig, and Rich Rogers... not
that I have seen them or heard from them in over 20 years, but honestly,
they changed the way I looked at, and still see education today. So to
all of them, and to all of you amazing teachers out there... THANK YOU
for all you do!!!
So just a little bit of what we were up to today :)
And here are the bouquets that I made for the Davis Education Association... of course, I don't know who they went to, but I really hope they enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed making them- it was a lot of fun!!! I found the cutest bright pink and green vinyl baskets at Dollar Tree- and of course the cute little windmill picks- and this is how they turned out! I really liked the result!
I also want to thank a dear friend Jessica for this opportunity to get my products more out there :) We met when we first moved out here almost 18 years ago- (ok... maybe a little less than that... I met her when she came home from her mission ... :)) and she and her sisters and family are some of the most awesome people in the world! She is also a 3rd grade teacher- so she deserves some applause as well!!! I am also so lucky to have amazing friends :) Luv you all!!!
Hopefully this will mean good things!!!
So if you have a friend or family member who is in need of some cheering- or a thank you- or just a hello gift... let me know! These cupcake bouquets are such an adorable, and unique way to show someone how much you care!!! And they are fully customizable- flavors, sizes, containers, designs... the possibilities are limited only by your imagination :) I will be doing more designs to demonstrate as the week goes on... I have to use up all these cupcakes! :)
Sweet Dreamz everyone!!!!
Renee :D
Friday, May 11, 2012
Cuppycakes :)
What is not to love about cupcakes :) They are cute... they're small (so you don't feel so guilty), they are portable- and they are just plain awesome!
My daughters asked me to make a treat for their dance class tomorrow... and of course, since I am trying to get my website up and running, what better way to help that cause than to make treats! And well... I can't just have all these goodies just lying around right? So anyone close by who is interested, seriously let me know! I would be glad to share some yummies with you! (I am being totally serious :))
Here are the cupcakes we made...
This is an idea that I found on a cute website... Bake It In A Cake check it out- it's a lot of fun!
Rainy Day cupcakes... now tell me this isn't the most adorable idea for a cupcake ever!!! Next time I will definitely put a little less blue on the bottom, but that is supposed to be a little puddle- and the cute little blue sprinkles in the batter look like rain drops!
And Rainbow cupcakes- which seem to be all the rage nowadays :) I just love color- and cake is no exception! It's just plain fun! And of course the colors can be mixed and matched to coordinate with your party or theme :) 2 colors, 3 colors you name it! The possibilities are endless!\
And of course when the inside is cute... the outside has to be cute too right???
Check these out...
Sorry about the crazy colors... That blue really was a beautiful sky blue... but for some reason... uh yah. But I couldn't decide which one to use, so I tried all 3 :) Homemade cotton candy ... homemade marshmallow... and mini marshmallows :) And the rainbows are something every little kid loves... Extremes Sour Berry Rainbows! When I saw them for the first time, I knew I had to make a rainbow cupcake... seriously... they just beg to be put on top of a cupcake don't they?
Then the other cupcakes we made were Oreo... uhhhhh Cookies N Creme :)
They were technically made with Oreos (not the store brand), but I don't think I can call them Oreo Cupcakes can I? Hmmmm. Anyway. These are also something that is all the rage right now... making cupcakes more decadent and scrumptious... hey why not? I put an Oreo in the bottom of some of the cupcakes we made (under the Oreo batter- with lots of crushed Oreos in it :)) then topped it with an Oreo Cream Cheese Buttercream- again with lots of crushed Oreos, and topped it with more Oreo crumbs and a halved cookie :) But that's not all... ohhhh no... we actually filled the cupcake with a luscious light creamy Oreo filling. Can I say the word Oreo any more???? Seriously... it tastes like Cookies and Cream ice cream... only it isn't frozen so it doesn't melt and get your cupcake all soggy and gross... yummmm indeed. See that creamy goodness in the middle of the cupcake? It is reeeeeeally good- but don't take my word for it- send me a little note :)... order a few... or a few dozen :) I won't tell!!! :) (Unfortunately, I didn't make sure the cupcake I cut open had a cookie in the bottom... and of course I didn't realize that til JUST now... and I hate to waste the whole cupcakes... but if I remember, I will find one and cut it open for you to see... I am telling you... it is to die for :))
Well hope you all have had an awesome week- and here comes the glorious weekend!!! I say it's about darn time ;)
Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers :) and hope you have an amazing, fantabulous time this weekend pampering your mommies!!!
Sweet Dreamz all!!!
Renee :D
My daughters asked me to make a treat for their dance class tomorrow... and of course, since I am trying to get my website up and running, what better way to help that cause than to make treats! And well... I can't just have all these goodies just lying around right? So anyone close by who is interested, seriously let me know! I would be glad to share some yummies with you! (I am being totally serious :))
Here are the cupcakes we made...
This is an idea that I found on a cute website... Bake It In A Cake check it out- it's a lot of fun!
Rainy Day cupcakes... now tell me this isn't the most adorable idea for a cupcake ever!!! Next time I will definitely put a little less blue on the bottom, but that is supposed to be a little puddle- and the cute little blue sprinkles in the batter look like rain drops!
And Rainbow cupcakes- which seem to be all the rage nowadays :) I just love color- and cake is no exception! It's just plain fun! And of course the colors can be mixed and matched to coordinate with your party or theme :) 2 colors, 3 colors you name it! The possibilities are endless!\
And of course when the inside is cute... the outside has to be cute too right???
Check these out...
Sorry about the crazy colors... That blue really was a beautiful sky blue... but for some reason... uh yah. But I couldn't decide which one to use, so I tried all 3 :) Homemade cotton candy ... homemade marshmallow... and mini marshmallows :) And the rainbows are something every little kid loves... Extremes Sour Berry Rainbows! When I saw them for the first time, I knew I had to make a rainbow cupcake... seriously... they just beg to be put on top of a cupcake don't they?
Then the other cupcakes we made were Oreo... uhhhhh Cookies N Creme :)
They were technically made with Oreos (not the store brand), but I don't think I can call them Oreo Cupcakes can I? Hmmmm. Anyway. These are also something that is all the rage right now... making cupcakes more decadent and scrumptious... hey why not? I put an Oreo in the bottom of some of the cupcakes we made (under the Oreo batter- with lots of crushed Oreos in it :)) then topped it with an Oreo Cream Cheese Buttercream- again with lots of crushed Oreos, and topped it with more Oreo crumbs and a halved cookie :) But that's not all... ohhhh no... we actually filled the cupcake with a luscious light creamy Oreo filling. Can I say the word Oreo any more???? Seriously... it tastes like Cookies and Cream ice cream... only it isn't frozen so it doesn't melt and get your cupcake all soggy and gross... yummmm indeed. See that creamy goodness in the middle of the cupcake? It is reeeeeeally good- but don't take my word for it- send me a little note :)... order a few... or a few dozen :) I won't tell!!! :) (Unfortunately, I didn't make sure the cupcake I cut open had a cookie in the bottom... and of course I didn't realize that til JUST now... and I hate to waste the whole cupcakes... but if I remember, I will find one and cut it open for you to see... I am telling you... it is to die for :))
Well hope you all have had an awesome week- and here comes the glorious weekend!!! I say it's about darn time ;)
Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers :) and hope you have an amazing, fantabulous time this weekend pampering your mommies!!!
Sweet Dreamz all!!!
Renee :D
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Happy Birthday Trianna :) Candy Flowers and my Soon-To-Be Apprentice
The 3rd of May was my niece Trianna's birthday - and I was asked to do her cake as usual :) It's the first time doing a fondant figure- and probably the first time I had ever done a horse, so it took a little practice- trial and error if you want to call it... but this is what we came up with :) (and no, I cannot draw or sculpt a realistic horse to save my life ;) so floppy and cartoony is what she got ;)) Hey... it's a tired little pony after walking up that steep hill right? Right ;)
I was pretty excited about how it turned out :) As always, it is 100% edible. And who says a horse can't have hot pink glittery horseshoes??? ;) If I ever have a horse, it sure will ;) (probably not going to happen... I am a city girl... I am so sensitive to smells it's almost like I have beagle genes :))
I was also really proud of my daughter- she made the cow spots, and also helped me paint the horse (we painted a white horse instead of dying the fondant first... I definitely recommend dying the fondant... that is too much of a pain in the patootie to get all the tiny little crevices- (especially when you put it on a cake that isn't straight on the top like this one, and it starts to pull slightly- showing every little white area we missed ;) and its a little too shiny for my tastes) My daughter is really showing a lot of promise- especially when it comes to fondant. About 4 years ago, when she was 10, we did some Starburst roses. What is a Starburst rose you ask? Well, you take a Starburst, or a Laffy Taffy, or an Airhead, or Tootsie Roll (basically any soft stretchy candy) and warm it slightly in the microwave- then use it like fondant- or playdough! And to top it all off, it's delicious :) She made a pretty mean rose after me showing her only once- she actually made it better than mine!!! If I had a sensitive ego- well... that would have bothered me, but I was really proud of her! She is even considering cake decorating as a career path :) I'm all for that!
Mothers Day is coming up people :) so if you want some candy or a cake to make your mom's day special - feel free to let me know!!! :) (click on the let me know... it goes straight to my email ;))
Have a most fantabulous week- and Sweet Dreamz!!! :)
Renee :D
I was pretty excited about how it turned out :) As always, it is 100% edible. And who says a horse can't have hot pink glittery horseshoes??? ;) If I ever have a horse, it sure will ;) (probably not going to happen... I am a city girl... I am so sensitive to smells it's almost like I have beagle genes :))
I was also really proud of my daughter- she made the cow spots, and also helped me paint the horse (we painted a white horse instead of dying the fondant first... I definitely recommend dying the fondant... that is too much of a pain in the patootie to get all the tiny little crevices- (especially when you put it on a cake that isn't straight on the top like this one, and it starts to pull slightly- showing every little white area we missed ;) and its a little too shiny for my tastes) My daughter is really showing a lot of promise- especially when it comes to fondant. About 4 years ago, when she was 10, we did some Starburst roses. What is a Starburst rose you ask? Well, you take a Starburst, or a Laffy Taffy, or an Airhead, or Tootsie Roll (basically any soft stretchy candy) and warm it slightly in the microwave- then use it like fondant- or playdough! And to top it all off, it's delicious :) She made a pretty mean rose after me showing her only once- she actually made it better than mine!!! If I had a sensitive ego- well... that would have bothered me, but I was really proud of her! She is even considering cake decorating as a career path :) I'm all for that!
Mothers Day is coming up people :) so if you want some candy or a cake to make your mom's day special - feel free to let me know!!! :) (click on the let me know... it goes straight to my email ;))
Have a most fantabulous week- and Sweet Dreamz!!! :)
Renee :D
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