I just realized that I haven't made a post about cake pops! :) Shame on me!!! And like I have mentioned... I do make both types of cake pops- the Bakerella type - AKA the original cake pops :) (and many kudos to her and those who have come after her for all the awesome inspiration!!!) and the baked type that don't involve anything but cake and chocolate- yes, that means no icing. And yes, in case you were wondering, I absolutely love icing in all it's many luscious forms- American, Italian and Swiss Buttercream... (I am equal opportunity here after all) cream cheese icing... you name it, I love it... just not so much mixed WITH the cake. Which is why I offer both... because I know that most people either love or hate either one.... it's almost like the BYU/University of Utah rivalry... liking both would almost be sacrilege... but I digress :) sorry...
And while I have made them quite bit- even done a few classes for kids :) I just have never really taken any pictures.. why? not quite sure... I apologize... and what is a blog post about cake pops without pictures! So here ya go :) My gallery of luscious cake pops :)
I made 5 different flavors the other day for an order- and I made them both ways so I could share- and of course experiment :) so I didn't have to make so many batches of cake batter... again with the frugal-ness ;)
First was Red Velvet... a classic... delicious tangy chocolate and that deep luscious red - awesome! And forgive the red hearts so far after Valentines Day... I just couldn't resist... I love these sprinkles :) (the mixed ones are done with cream cheese icing... of course :)) Red Velvet also lends itself well to the holidays- so I make a White Chocolate Peppermint version as well... (not pictured here)
This is my Chocolate Raspberry- made with a rich delicious Fudge Cake with pure raspberry extract as well as raspberry oil in the dipping chocolate :) and the mixed ones are made with chocolate raspberry buttercream...
Here is my cheesecake cake- a pound cake made with real cream cheese- not an actual cheesecake... (mixed with cream cheese icing) and dipped in white chocolate, then sprinkled with graham cracker crumbs :)
White chocolate is next... full of white chocolate chips and then dipped in white chocolate and topped with white chocolate crumbs-- then mixed with a white chocolate buttercream- so lots of white chocolate-y goodness! (can I say white chocolate enough?) (sorry, I didn't get an inside picture of the mixed version... This was for an order, and I didn't have any extra to take pictures.- and yes, I ran out of chocolate crumbs for the baked version... sprinkles work too... right?)
And finally... my personal favorite cake... pumpkin spice (mixed with cream cheese icing). Again with the out of season sprinkles, but come on, tell me these cute leaves don't just scream fall- just like pumpkin spice... so a perfect match :) These would be good dipped in white chocolate too :) but who doesn't love pumpkin and chocolate!And again... sorry I didn't get a picture of the inside of the mixed... shame on me...
So what d'ya think??? And if you are looking to order any... (like you could resist after seeing these pictures come on ;)) just click here and let me know! I have a list of cake flavors here- and they can all be made into cake pops but if you have an idea that you would like to try and don't see listed please feel free to let me know! I love making new flavors!
Prices are as follows :)
1 Cake Pop for $1.50
6 Cake Pops for $8.00
12 Cake Pops for $12.00
24 Cake Pops for $22.00
(and these are base prices- all one flavor PLEASE and with simple decoration like drizzle or sprinkles - I do charge extra for
more flavors, for custom shapes, or for airbrushing or fancy
decorations )
Let me know if you have need for a larger amount- I can usually work with prices especially if combined with other desserts.
Hope you all have a most wonderful rest of your week!!!
And as always Sweet Dreamz to you!
Renee :)
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