Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What inspires you?

I don't know... lately I have been turning everything into cake.  
Now I know that sounds odd... but it's true!!!
I see a cute ruffly shirt? Before I would just say- hey... that's a cute shirt! 
But lately, I see a cute shirt and I think... wow ok.... that would look so cute on a cake!! :) 
It can be a cute birthday card... it could be a swatch of funky wall could be a little girls dress... an adorable purse or a cute pair of strappy sandals - even a gorgeous color - you name it! 
It's like my brain is in constant creative mode. 
And I am absolutely loving it!

I have to say my biggest inspirations are the infinite sources of talent available to us in all forms of media... books... tv... the internet....  They are everywhere! It's a little daunting don't get me wrong, but it definitely revs my brain too just thinking of all the awesome ways to create art now a days.  The awe inspiring techniques that people come up with to create are just incredible! And there are so many to choose from I couldn't even come close to naming even a fraction of them... but some of my favorites are below (and to the right a smidge :)) Go check them out! You'll see what I mean!!! 

So tell me... what inspires you? Do you wake up in the middle of the night with ideas in your head you're just dying to write down? Do you keep a journal by your bed for just such occasions? Or am I just losing it? ;) Well... I probably am.. but I cant be the only one!  

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