Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Feeding the "need" and helping eachother out! :)

A customer of mine, in fact she is my "photographer" ... saying that makes me feel so special ;)  just told me the other day... she was having withdrawals. It was not only a huge ego boost :) as I love to hear that people really enjoy my treats- it really makes me happy that what I do makes others smile as well! Anyway... back to the story...  I normally do a photo shoot with her every few weeks, and bring her caramel apples, (her favorite treat) and basically whatever treats she photographs she gets to keep. It's definitely a great deal - I get beautiful photographs for my websites and she gets some sweet treats! However, due to both of our crazy schedules the last month or so, we haven't  been able to meet.  Not to laugh at anyone else's pain, but it got me thinking... what about a membership club??? That way people could get their "fix", so to speak, while also getting a delicious delivery every month!

I live to serve you know...

So far, my thoughts are doing Cake pops, Caramel Apples, Fudge, and Popcorn of the Month Clubs (as those are some of my most popular items for the moment and easiest to ship!) I have also been contemplating cupcakes! If there is something you might like to see included in this list let me know! I will see what I can do!  The only requirement would be to be able to ship safely and relatively cheaply :)

Each month, for the specified price that you pay only once (including shipping!) you will, for 3, 6 or 12 months, receive a package filled with delicious goodies - new flavors, special flavors, seasonal, or even special requests. You can even send them as a gift to a special sweet loving friend (lucky friend!) (for the listed price, each membership can only be sent to one person- if you would like to split the membership between two or more people please feel free to contact me!) . Please see my Online Store for pricing and more information!

And on a similar note... to anyone interested- if you would like to talk about trading services- please let me know! (You can message me on Facebook, or email me here :)) I am always willing to trade/barter services to help save money and at the same time boost other small businesses!